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Leak Test Helium


The expertise acquired over the years in helium leak testing on car conditioner evaporators enables the solutions designed by HeTECH/MARPOSS to safeguard the integrity of the component under test.

Standard working pressures on our benches (typically 20/30 bar) and method of  execution of clogging test (by unidirectional flow) avoid any deformations of the flaps and any damages to the internal structure of the component.

Leak Test Helium

Our leaking test units are available in various layouts that can satisfy every requirements of space and productivity. Our solutions ranges from one vacuum chamber to semi-automatic assembly line. In case of versions with several test stations, chambers can work alternatively: while one carries out the vacuum, the second tests the part and the last is ready for loading/unloading the component optimizing the cycle time.

Further to this, test can be performed on several components at the same time with the ability to discriminate which among them has a leak.

Fixtures are easily extractable and interchangeable to adapt to different families of the component.

Test pressures, rejection thresholds and productivity that our machines can reach may vary according to the technical specifications of the component and the production needs of the User.

  • Dedicated pumping system for the analysis - Total flow
  • Pumping system placed on a cart for easy maintenance
  • Dedicated Electric and Pneumatic cabinet
  • Ventilation and Sound proofing of the pumping system
  • Totally customizable HMI interface
  • Full traceability of the tested component
  • Ready for MES communication 

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