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Helium Technology was established in 2010 by Marposs group in order to meet the growing market needs coming from the world of leak testing. The first production site, located in Casorate Primo (Pavia), occupies an area of ​​900 square meters where 15 employees work.


Flexibility and ability to adapt to market needs have contributed to the development of HeTECH which in 2014, in order to be able to optimally manage the growing volume of sales and production, moved to a new 1300 square meter plant located in Calvignasco (Milan). At that time it counts  31 employees.


The production space soon proved inadequate and, in just two years, the company was forced to move again by purchasing a new 1700 square meter building in 2016 with 70 employees in force.


HeTECH currently has 92 employees and 2 premises: one in Calvignasco (Milan) and the other  recently acquired in Cornate d'Adda (Milan) which, with its own mechanical workshop, allows further internalization of its production process.

Coming soon...

The opening of a new plant entirely dedicated to the production of benches and equipment for the testing of Fuel Cells scheduled by the end of 2023 demonstrates HeTECH's is committed to becoming a strategic partner of the producers of the new components introduced by the inevitable energy transition to renewable and green sources.

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