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LT-H Leak Test-Helium


Leak testing is a fundamental operation in the hydrogen valve production process, since it verifies the tightness against a dangerous gas at a very high pressure, simulating real operating conditions.

The perfect sealing of the hydrogen valve is one of the most important features to guarantee the safety and the long-term reliability of fuel cell system. On the one hand, it is essential to prevent any leakages to the outside which could create a hazardous atmosphere. On the other hand, it avoids internal leakages inside the system itself, from the tank to the fuel cell or from the tank to the filling receptacle line.

If, in general, checking the tightness of the hydrogen valve is an essential operation in the production chain of fuel cell power train system, this test is even more important with the use of fuel cell in fuel cell electric vehicle applications, in order to guarantee the quality and safety standards typical of the automotive market.

LT-H Leak Test-Helium

Our test benches perform a comprehensive test in the vacuum chamber using helium as a tracer gas and has been designed to inspect:

  • Hydrogen multivalve
  • Filling receptacle
  • End-plug
  • TPRD valve

The software is designed to be completely configurable in order to create different test receipts accordingly to the model of valve to be tested.

Test pressures, rejection thresholds and productivity that our machines can reach may vary according to the technical specifications of the component and the production needs of the User.


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